Email Phishing Scams and How to Prevent Them

A woman types on her laptop while a blue graphic of cyber security images glows from the laptop screen

Email phishing scams are one of the most common and dangerous forms of cyber attacks. They are especially prevalent in the business world, where they can result in significant financial losses, data breaches, and damage to a company’s reputation. In this blog post, we’ll explore what email phishing scams are, how they work, and what […]

Case Study: Creator News Mobile App

Lunarstorm recently launched a mobile app for one of our clients, Creator News. Creator News is an editor-curated news aggregator website. Many businesses that are interested in a mobile app already have an existing project (like a website) and want to extend the capabilities to take advantage of mobile features which is why this is a great example of hybrid app development.

Take a Peek into the Life of a Lunarstorm Employee

Young woman with brown hair photographed outdoors in front of foliage.

Emeshe worked with the web design and software teams, providing support to team members by completing assigned tasks and practicing her coding skills. She also learned about the business and sales side of the job, by sitting in on client meetings and provided valuable input about design choices.

Lunarstorm’s Workflow from Project Proposal to Invoicing

Two people shaking hands from an ant's eye view.

At Lunarstorm, we receive new inquiries for client relationships weekly. If you’re interested in signing on as a new web design, software development, or IT computer services client, here’s a brief overview of our workflow and what to expect!

Five Reasons You Need Our Custom Software Development

Lunarstorm Technologies cloud based software design, IT Services & Support, Web Design, and SEO

1. You’re still filling out a small forest worth of paperwork Paperwork, the definitive factor in bringing your business communication and up to date information to an unbearable crawl. From the side of business process, every time you have people entering information on a piece of paper you create a new critical control point. The […]

Custom Report Development

custom report development custom software design Lunarstorm Technologies

Custom Report Development Lunarstorm has been working in the technology field for over 15 years. In our experience, one of the most common things we come across are reports. We often find businesses trying to reduce paper and more importantly get access to critical data at the touch of a button. So here are 5 […]